How to Love Everyone You Meet

Deep down, we all want to feel connected and at peace with others. In this event we will learn how to develop genuine love that will lead to harmony in our relationships and finding peace within ourselves.

In this morning course, you’ll discover practical and transformative teachings to help you increase your daily happiness by developing your capacity for love and connection. You will discover how to overcome feelings of frustration or resentment, making your relationships more meaningful and harmonious. By exploring these teachings, you’ll also begin to build the foundation for a universal love that extends to everyone you meet, creating deeper connections and a greater sense of peace in your life.

Everyone is welcome! 

Booking Information

  • Book online or just turn up and pay with cash or card on the door.
  • If you book online just say your name on arrival.
  • £20/Free to members, please type MEMBER  as the discount code when you book.


Akanishta KBC, Cheltenham




10.30am - 1.30pm


£20 / Free to members

